Songwan's blog

Statistics graduate school life

About Me

Songwan Joun

Hello, I'm Songwan Joun. I am graduate student studying Statistics at University of Victoria, Canada. This blog is a place where I post my interests and ideas. My interests lies in Machine learning and Biostatistics. If you want to communicate with me, please feel free to contact me.

    CV: here      Github: songwan      Email:

Current projects

Big data & Biostatistics (current project, 2019)

To be added soon
manuscript      source code

Handling correlated genes (paper in progress, 2018)

Handling highly correlated genes of Single-Cell sequencing data in multiple regression models
manuscript      source code


Robustifying clustering algorithm (2018)

Robustifying clustering algorithm by adapting robust covariance matrix on the initial stage of TCLUST algorithm
manuscript      source code

PM10 level visualization (2017)

RShiny, PM10 level visualization of my hometown Daegu for every bus stops
description      source code

Work Experience

Summer Research Assiatant

University of Victoria (May 2019 - Aug 2019)

Led simulation studies, compared machine learning models using cross-validdation

Junior Researcher

Holonyx (Sep 2017 - Mar 2018)

Visualized levels of PM10 in Daegu city and predicted PM10 levels

Part-time R Instructor

Kyungpook National University (Jul 2017 - Sep 2017)

Trained basic and intermediate R programming to university students

Intern researcher

Research Korea (Dec 2016 - Feb 2017)

Examined tables, plots, and context in survey reports and adjusted errors


Master of Science, Statistics (Sep 2018 - Current)

University of Victoria BC, Canada

Supervised by Dr. Xuekui Zhang
Trainee Scholarship (NSERC CREATE) $16,000

Bachelor of Science, Statistics (2013 - 2017)

Kyungpook National University , Daegu, South Korea

Minor in Computer Science
Exchange term at Dalhousie University , Halifax, NS, Canada ( Sep 2015 - Apr 2016 )

Statistical Skills

• Took bioinformatics, survival analysis, robust, and ML courses

• Performance comparison of Neural Network and traditional Statistical methods by data size

• Handling highly correlated genes of Single-Cell sequencing data in multiple regression models

Programming Skills


Have a good understanding of R

Conducted simulation studies, applied statistical methods

Compute Canada

High performance computing system

Used Compute Canada to handle big data, batch and parallel jobs


Basic knowledge in Python

Made digit classifier using CNN, Tensorflow


SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 (SAS)

Basic knowledge in SAS

IBM Data Scientist

Mastery Award for Students (IBM)

Took IBM Data Scientist Course


• Love Swimming

• Blogging

• Learning languages including programming languages!